Alaska Red
Alaska Red Granite is a medium to dark red granite with black and white speckles and medium texture. The red color is due to the presence of the mineral garnet, while the black and white speckles are due to the presence of feldspar and quartz.Overall, Alaska Red Granite is a beautiful, durable, and low-maintenance stone that is a good choice for a variety of applications.
Here are some additional details about the properties of Alaska Red Granite:
The density of Alaska Red Granite is about 2.65 grams per cubic centimeter. This is slightly higher than the average density of granite, which is about 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter. The higher density of Alaska Red Granite is due to the presence of heavier minerals, such as garnet.
The hardness of Alaska Red Granite is about 7 on the Mohs scale. This means that it is a relatively hard stone that is resistant to scratching and abrasion. Alaska Red Granite has a poor cleavage. This means that it does not break easily along smooth planes.The streak of Alaska Red Granite is white. This means that the powder of the stone is white.